[I-techex 2023] Isihlanganisi sezinhlelo ze-AWS - I-Custard eluhlaza

Green Custard is an AWS systems integrator that specializes in helping companies run their IOT services on the AWS platform. They offer various solutions for different industries, including manufacturing.
One of the examples they provide is a penguin game that simulates a manufacturing setup. In this game, penguins act as items on a production line, and a laser sensor scans them as they pass by. This sensor measures the distance and counts the objects, allowing for real-time monitoring of the production line’s performance. The data collected can provide insights into the number of penguins produced per minute, per hour, and at the end of the day.
Green Custard also offers a vibration sensor that can be used for predictive maintenance in a manufacturing environment. By measuring the baseline vibrations of the equipment when it’s functioning properly, any increase in vibrations indicates potential equipment damage. This allows for early detection and intervention before the production line is shut down.
Furthermore, Green Custard provides solutions for automated material fill or waste measurement. This ensures that bins are never empty or overly full, optimizing production efficiency. They also work with customers developing connected products on the AWS platform, offering services such as automated drinks dispensers and enhancing existing products with customer insights.
In summary, Green Custard is an AWS systems integrator offering innovative solutions for various industries, including manufacturing, by leveraging IOT services and technologies.Generated by OpenAI