[Iviki Lezokuphatha Nezabasebenzi & Accounting] Isitendi sokuhlinzeka ngezimo eziphuthumayo i-BISTA - Inkampani Fasil Co., Ltd.

Fasil Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer that has been producing disaster prevention goods for 48 years. They are showcasing a product at the exhibition called Stand Vista, which is a disaster stockpile stand that won the 2021 Good Design Award. It contains emergency supplies for 50 people, a charging set for 10 mobile phones, and a gas cylinder generator. The concept of the stand is to place emergency supplies in a visible location, such as at a reception desk, entrance, commercial facility, or school. The Stand Vista is not only a disaster prevention product but can also be used as a PR tool on a regular basis. The mobile phone charging set inside can also be provided to people in the area. The company hopes that the attendees will consider their product.Generated by OpenAI
