[umbukiso wama-50 Womhlaba Wonke Wokunakekelwa Kwasekhaya Nokuvuselelwa - H.C.R. 2023 & Inkundla -] movBot - I-Access Engineering Co., Ltd.

The movBot Office is designed to provide enhanced mobility and independence for individuals with disabilities or limited mobility. Its unique sideways movement allows for efficient navigation in small spaces, such as office environments or residential settings.
This robotic wheelchair offers not only the usual forward/backward and left/right movements but also the ability to rotate and move up and down. This innovative feature enables users to easily reach high objects without the assistance of a caregiver.
Furthermore, the movBot Office can be equipped with an oxygen machine underneath, providing convenience for individuals who require supplemental oxygen.
With its advanced technology and versatile functionality, the movBot Office aims to improve the quality of life for individuals with mobility challenges, promoting greater accessibility and independence in various settings.Generated by OpenAI
